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The Company’s Party Branch Organized Members to Visit and Study in Yan’an

At the time of setting up for 94 years of Chinese Communist Party, on July 8, 2015, company’s party branch organized members to visit Yan’an, in order to enhance Party members’ understanding of Yan’an Spirit. They visited Nanniwan, Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Yang Jialing, Zaoyuan and Leader’s former residence, etc. Everyone deeply felt our Party’s spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle.

After this visit, every members had an in-depth discussion based on their own work. The members indicated: we would always remember Yan’an Spirit; no matter how tough the conditions, we should strive to open up the market, optimize the project of design, stick to and develop our “Workshop Spirit”, inherit our good tradition, apply our enterprise spirit “Self-communion, Accountability, Thanksgiving, Dedication” to our own work and life, and give a good example of practice of enterprise spirit.



Party Members Visited Nanniwan Revolutionary Memorial Hall



Party Members Took Pictures Together at Zaoyuan



Party Members Took Pictures Together at Chairman Mao’s Former Residence

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