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Bter valves had been put into operation successfully in Shi Hezi Distribution Station of WEPP III

On September 16, 2015, Shi Hezi Gas Project of West–East Gas Pipeline III Project(WEPP III) put into operation successfully, whose gas supply reaches 100,0000 m3/day. And Shi Hezi Gas Station formally supplied natural gas for She Hezi Gate Station. This project is invested by Xinjiang Tianfu Tianyuan Gas Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Branch of China Petroleum Engineering Co,. Ltd undertook this project’s EPC general contracting. And TianJin Better Fluid Control Valves CO., LTD supplied these key valves of pressure regulating device, which is Oil-Gas Pipeline key valve nationalization’s joint researching and developing unit with CNPC.


Shi Hezi Distribution Station’s gas source is No. 15 valve room’s distribution outlet of WEPP III. Now the inlet pressure is 8.3~11.0MPa; distribution pressure after regulating is 1.3~1.5MPa; the differential pressure up to 7~9.7MPa. In this most severe differential pressure condition, Bter valves can still maintain high cutoff accuracy ≤±1%, response time <1s, regulating accuracy ≤±1% and dB<80db. All key indexes fully satisfy the operating requirements of users and the project’s design specifications. The project’s successful production makes our customers feel much more comfortable about use BTER valves in the severe condition of high pressure and large pressure difference. 



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